Monday, March 21, 2011

Spring Break

Well, I spent the first couple of days of my spring break doing some much needed catch-up on paperwork. Took one day and drove to Missouri to pick up some more parts for the milk line. On Thursday I actually got into the green house and started replanting some things in there. If we hadn't lost everything in the Arctic blast that we had in February then we could have been planting in the garden last week instead. :( We took the bull and a calf to the sale on Saturday. Pleased with the sale price, but really kind of miss the bull already. Maggie had her babies on Saturday (Finally!). One doeling and one buckling. Two doelings went to their new home. I think they will be very loved......and spoiled. Chrys is nearing the end of installing the milk line (we hope) and I was able to get some more painting done in the milk barn. Last night as we were heading into the house from chores (well after dark) we discovered that Izzy finally had her calf. A little heifer. :)

And now.......just a few pictures......

The seed trays that I just planted this week.

Some of the doe kids that we have for sale.

A couple more of the doe kids that we have for sale......although the spotted won't take a bottle so we have to latch her on morning and night so she can't leave until she is weaned......(and why sell her then??)

Maggie's little doeling that was born on Saturday.

Maggie and her babies.
I am actually thinking about keeping the buckling for a future herd sire. If he passes along his dam's awesome milking ability coupled with his sire's milk lines........WOW!!!!

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