Wow! It has been well over a week since I have posted. We have been having baby goats "everywhere"! :) Kidding season is one of my very favorite times. It is always so exciting! You get all of the anticipation of a child waiting for Christmas morning. Dreaming and trying to guess just exactly what you are going to get. Then, just like Christmas morning, you get to finally unwrap the present and see what that special goat or goats brought you. Then.....the work really begins. Milking the does, feeding the babies, getting everyone adjusted, making room for the next doe who is getting ready to kid "any second". Exhillarating and Exhausting! :)
Here is a brief run down of who has had what.
Sage delivered 1 doe and 1 buck during that extremely cold snap that we had. Both were DOA
Spirit delivered 2 doe kids
Sugar had 2 doe kids - These were the preemies and they are doing very very well now.
Playdoe had 1 doe and 1 buck
Mozli had 1 doe and 2 bucks
Helga had 2 bucks
Molly had 1 buck
Slide had 1 doe and 1 buck
Dottie delivered 1 doe kid
Splash had 1 buck
Malya had 1 doe and 1 buck (the buckling died on 3/2/11)
Thunder delivered 2 doe kids
Starla had 2 doe kids
Funny Face had 1 doe kid
Rosie delivered 1 doe kid
Jynger delivered 1 doe and 1 buck
Pepper delivered 1 doe and 1 buck
Gabby had 1 doe
If you were counting (and if I didn't miss anyone) that is 16 does that have freshened with 19 doelings and 11 bucklings. We have 18 doelings and 9 bucklings, 27 kids in all, that survived.
We still have 7 and hopefully 8 does in our original herd left to kid anytime. In the new herd that we just got from Colorado it looks like there are 2 or 3 that could kid soon. Then we get a small break from kidding before we go into round two.
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