Tuesday, November 5, 2013



We put some of our younger girls with the boys beginning back in the last part of June in the hopes of having winter milk this year.  It is looking like quite a few of them bred, which is wonderful!  I have been thinking that there was lots and lots of time since the first ones couldn’t be due to have babies until about Thanksgiving.  Well, on Saturday morning I got to thinking and it dawned on me that Thanksgiving is ALMOST HERE!!!!  We could possibly be having babies SOON!!!!  I had a little bit of a panic attack and then went and told Chrys and our daughters so that they too could experience a panic attack.  Once we all calmed down we figured out that we make a pretty good team so we can all jump in and get the “nursery” ready.  There are a few supplies to get ordered, but we CAN be ready!  J  I think that we all love kidding season even though it is a lot of work and we all end up totally exhausted, still, there is absolutely nothing cuter than a baby goat………..unless, of course, it is our granddaughters.  J


  1. What an interesting and productive life you have! Sounds like lots of work, though.

  2. Love your blog!!! We too have a dairy goat herd,and that's why I'm popping in to comment. Would you have a doe in ilk who might be for sale? Our farm Calico Acres, is in Stillwater , we have Alpine, Tog, and Nubian does, a registered Alpine buck and registered Togg buck but my does are drying up too quickly to meet customer and family needs. If you don't have a doe you might sell, do you know anyone who might? Had to ask! Linda
