Tuesday, October 15, 2013

.........Oh My

Happy Tuesday!

On Sunday morning Chrys and I went out to milk and as seems to be the “normal” at this time of year, the girls were being much less than cooperative.  Chrys had gone out first to bring them into the holding area and when he hadn’t come back in what seemed like forever, I decided that I had better go help.  After chasing about 10 of the girls up and down the fence line (by the boys) forty two times we finally got them into the barn.  Some of the better behaved girls were already in the holding area, as they should be, but glancing up I immediately noticed that something was NOT right!  I could see that “someone”…….and I won’t mention any names, but Chrys did NOT shut the door to the milk parlor tight enough and guess what?!  There were about 30 goats in the milk parlor and they were having a party!!!!!  I ran in there and it was literally wall to wall goats!!!!  There were goats on the milk stand.  There were goats underneath the milk stand.  There were goats all around the milk stand.  There were goats EVERYWHERE!!!!  Chrys came in right behind me and  we managed to get all of them out except the 8 girls that we would milk first.  Once the dust settled, the only logical thing left to do was laugh.  Sometimes that’s all that you can do and these girls certainly do keep us entertained (and busy). 


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