Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Bit Of Everything

It has been a couple of months since we did a blog about the farm.  We have been very busy, but it just hasn't seemed like there was anything very exciting to talk about.  NOW there IS!

The young chickens are starting to lay!!!!!
We kept telling everyone that we should have more eggs in July sometime, and I am sure that many of you were beginning to doubt it, but here is the proof!  :)

The young chickens (pullets) layed their first two eggs on Friday and have so far layed three more.  :)  Typically, the first eggs that a chicken lays are much smaller than "normal".  Below are some pictures and comparisons for you to see.

5 little eggs in Daddy's hand.  He could probably hold a full dozen in one hand.

In this picture, we are comparing the five little pullet eggs to the normal eggs that we have.

Another comparison is size.  I think you could probably line up a full dozen around one of our normal eggs.

One of our regular eggs (we sell these as large, but they are so big that we can't even weigh them......our egg scale doesn't go that high) and one of the pullet eggs (that is so small that its weight won't register on the scale either).

This is just a random picture of the milking girls when I went out into the pasture.  They always make a stampede toward me.   Chrys normally feeds the yearlings and the bucks so when ever they see him, they start hollering and carrying on for his attention.  I have really enjoyed that since they mostly ignore me when they see me.  Well, the last couple of days I have been the one to feed them and guess what........Now they want "my" attention EVERY time they see me!

This is Zanna.  We got her just before Christmas at the same time that we got Alvin.  Zanna is quite a mess.  Her favorite thing to do is to reach through her fence and pull your hair.  Our granddaughters don't like to go near her fence for that reason and I have to admit that I am not to fond of it either.  She has the hair pulling thing down to a science and it hurts pretty good.

An lastly is my ever faithful companion, Cammi.  It doesn't matter where I go, she is always nearby and patiently waiting on me..........unless she sees a bird, but even then she won't be gone long.

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