Thursday, March 8, 2012

P.I.T.A. Had Her Babies!

We have had some really gorgeous weather for two weeks.  Even this morning when I got up at 4:30 to go out and milk it was so warm and muggy out that I actually thought about going back to the house and putting on shorts.  It's a good thing I didn't because by the time that I finished milking the north wind had come up and it was getting really cool, then it started to rain.

As I spent my morning in the creamery doing my morning cheese making I finally decided that I needed a bit of a break.  Since it was still raining and I really hate getting rained on I decided to go through the milk barn and into the holding area and just look at the goats for bit (mind you that if it is rainy.....or cloudy......or even overcast, these girls are SOOOO spoiled that they wouldn't dare go outside.  :)  Well, as soon as I get to the door, I spot the babies.  From that distance it was hard to tell who had had the babies.  There were two black, long eared babies surrounded by 3 pure white Saanens.  LOL  I think everyone wanted the new babies.  :)  It wasn't hard to find mom though.  She was near by trying to get back to her babies, the white goats were just being baby hogs.

Got Mom and babies moved to the nursery.  Babies are fed and under a heat light.  Mom is fed, watered and loving being a mom.  All are doing well.  Did I mention that both babies are boys?  

I guess Round 2 of kidding season has officially begun!

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