Thursday, February 17, 2011

New Goats

Sunday and Monday we made a trip to (and from) Colorado Springs, CO to pick up a herd of 35 dairy goats that we had located. Chrys and I along with my Mom & Daddy loaded up two trailers and supplies and headed out bright and early (4:00 am) Sunday morning. We arrived there, after an uneventful trip, at about 6:30 pm. After taking a quick look at the herd in the dark and visiting with Caren, the herd owner, for a bit we headed off to eat dinner and find a much needed motel.

Following a good nights sleep we arrived back out at the farm about 7:30 am and proceeded to load out the goats. This was pretty interesting because they just couldn't understand why their whole routine was being disturbed, but it went pretty well and we were loaded and back on the road by about 8:30 am.

The trip home was a little longer because we traveled a little slower and made more frequent stops to check on the girls but we finally arrived back at Canyon Ridge Farms at 12:30 am Tuesday morning. By a little after 2:00 am the girls were all unloaded and bedded down for the night with plenty of fresh water and hay. At this point we head to the house to CRASH!

Despite the long hard traveling day, the girls endured very well. I actually think that they endured much better than we did. :)

I am SOOOO thankful for our daughters, Megan & Kymberly, who took care of our critters at home and everything else around the farm while were gone. They are the best!

Despite everything, none of the does kidded on the trip. We were afraid that some might since their due dates were so close and we prepaired for that possibility by packing and taking along needed supplies for such a situation. The does spent time adjusting to everything on Tuesday and by Wednesday afternoon, the first doe from the new herd presented us with twin doelings. I can't wait to see what the rest of them present us with.

I almost forgot.........Most of this new herd is Nubian but there are 4 Lamancha and 2 Nubian/Lamancha crosses. This is interesting for us since we have Never Ever owned a Lamancha. :) Of course I don't guess it matters as long as they produce plenty of good tasting milk.


  1. Great review. All that travel could have stressed the we are now waiting for the will be having a great many babies if you have 35 mothers....Phyllis

  2. Glad you made it back safe with all your new girls. I absolutely love Colorado Springs but of course I'm sure you were in and out as quickly as possible
