Below are maternity pictures of just a few of the girls that are getting ready to have babies.
Our "REAL' kidding season will begin next week (actually already began this morning with Mercury's babies). Visit our blog and facebook pages often for updates. :)
This picture Jynger was actually taken about a month ago. She is SOOOO miserable and she sits like this quite often, hoping for some relief I'm sure. Jynger is a purebred Nubian and she is due on 3/20/13.
Ginko of the sweetest girls on the farm. :) She is as big as a house and I am really hoping for girls from her. Ginko is a Nubian LaMancha cross and she is due on 3/15/13.
Ciara is absolutely gorgeous. She has a little bit of an attitude and she will DEFINITELY hold a grudge against you for any infraction whether it is real or perceived. Ciara is a a purebred LaMancha and she is 6 years old. Ciara is due on 3/14/13.
Playdoe is the one that Chrys was talking to sometime back telling her how fat she was and I thought he was talking to me and started looking for something to bop him up side the head with. :)
Playdoe is a purebred Nubian and she is 3 years old. Playdoe is due on 3/17/13.
Rosie is an 8 year old purebred Nubian. Needless to say, because of her age, we are REALLY hoping for a couple of more daughters out of her this year. Rosie is just a little bit spoiled and definitely demands special treatment. Rosie is due on 3/17/13.
Tiny is a purebred Saanen and she is anything but tiny! LOL Tiny is also 8 years old and to be perfectly honest, I'm not even sure that she is bred (she looks pregnant even when she isn't). The first possible due date is 3/30/13)
Since we didn't think that there would be enough to do during the long days of kidding season we decided to through a litter of puppies into the mix. This is our daughter's dog, Motzi (means sweet and brave). She is a Shiht zu and she is just as miserable as the goat girls are.