Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sandi & Norma's Babies

Yesterday afternoon (1/28/13) Sandi delivered a HUGE single buckling.  He is gorgeous and mom and baby are both doing fine.  :)

This morning Norma delivered twins!  One buckling and one doeling!  :)  I was really surprised because I really only expected a single for Norma.  :)

Norma's boy.

Norma's girl......very unusual that the girl is the colorful one.  :)

One more to go.  We are still waiting on Tinkerbell to have her baby(ies)..........unless of course Lil' B kids (the buck broke into the girls pasture at one point so this is a possibility..........and then there is the chance of Patty as well.  Time will tell.).

Monday, January 28, 2013

Baby Updates - Sophie, Heydi, Spice & Fayth

It was a busy weekend and I got a little bit behind on posting the new arrivals.
Here they are!!!!

Sophie started it of on Friday evening ( 1/25/13) with a single buckling.

Saturday afternoon (1/26/13), Heydi delivered twin bucklings.

Bright and early on Sunday morning (1/27/13), Spice presented us with a gorgeous single buckling.

And finally, Sunday afternoon (1/27/13), Fayth delivered twin doelings.

We are still waiting on three girls to have their babies (Tinkerbell, Sandy and Norma).

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gyllian & Cane's Babies

Guess what I found when I went out to do barn checks this morning?

Baby Goats!

The first was Gyllian (pronounced Jillian)!  Gylli is our daughters goat and she has been waiting VERY impatiently for her to kid.  Since her momma never had a single boy our daughter was certain that Gylli probably would never have a single girl.  Much to our delight when we check her out she proved to be a beautiful little GIRL!  In addition to being a girl she is colored awesomely!

The next baby belongs to Cane.  Guess what?  Another little girl!!

Not sure if there will be any more babies today or not, but at least we can enjoy looking at these two little beauties until the next babies arrive.  :)

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Zanna & Naomi's Babies

It was another busy day in the maternity ward.  :)

First, Naomi presented us with a beautiful single doeling about 7:30 this morning.  She was the first RED baby of the year and boy is she pretty!  :)

About 8:30 this morning Zanna delivered twin bucklings.  I was sure hoping for girls from Zanna and I certainly expected LOTS of color, but I guess two black bucklings with a little bit of white on their foreheads will do.

The remainder of the morning was spent trying to find an empty bed at the inn for everyone............I guess there are worse problems to have.  :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Busy Day Having Babies

Things got started early here on the farm today.  :)

Sally began things this morning by delivering a single buckling.  He is very pretty with lots of color.


Next was Joy, who presented us with a beautiful little girl.


And finally, Luna delivered a single buckling.

While doing barn checks (with the camera) we found Stormie and one of her daughters, Jynger, resting like this.  They do this quite often so I was glad that we finally got a picture of it.

And then there is Callie.  She faithfully goes with us on each barn check.  The best part about barn checks (at least to Callie) is getting to get in the pen with the babies and get under the heat lamps.  :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

Amy's Babies

Amelia (Amy) delivered twins this morning about 10:00.  One doeling and one buckling.  The doeling is blonde and the buckling has some interesting coloring.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ellye's Babies

Around noon today, Ellye delivered twins.  One doeling and one buckling.  Mom and babies are doing great!

Lily's Baby

This morning at about 7:45 am, Lily presented us with a big beautiful buckling.  This is the first kid that we have had that is sired by Alvin and he looks just like his daddy (except that his daddy has a a little bit of white on his chest).

We have nicknamed this little buckling Junior.  :)

Jayne's Baby

Saturday, January 19th

Jayne delivered a nice big single buckling.

Jayne is the doe that adopted Little Miss as her own so now she has a boy AND a girl!  :)

Emma's Babies

January 17th

Emma delivered 2 very pretty little bucklings.  


On Friday evening (January 11th) we left home on a fast and furious trek to pick up a piece of equipment for the dairy.  Some people take vacations, some take staycations.........WE take goatcations.............which is us making a wild dash somewhere in a short amount of time to pick up what is needed.  It's not really that fun and it's definitely not restful, BUT it is effective!  :)  This time we traveled 1,862 miles across 5 states in just under 47 hours.  Mission accomplished!  :)

Babies are always fun and it is so exciting to see what each doe has (boys, girls, singles, twins, what color they are and the list can go on and on).  So......after our extremely short weekend across five states......

Our first kidding season of the year began on Tuesday, January 15th!

Bella presented us with a single doeling.  This little girl was a little preemie and I wasn't overly concerned since we have successfully raised several preemie babies in the past.  By Wednesday evening I had decided that she must be a little more preemie than what I had originally thought and I really wasn't sure at that point if she was going to make it or not.  Finally on Thursday afternoon, the baby, now known as Little Miss, made a turn for the better and steadily began to make progress.  By Friday evening, she learned to get out of her basket, which had been her home beside the wood stove since her birth.  On Saturday, we tried to put her back with her mother, but it had been to long and didn't work.  As luck would have it, another doe had a single baby so we took Little Miss and rubbed the afterbirth from that doe all over her and the new mother has accepted her as her own.  :)

Little Miss

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New Hay Feeder

This is the new hay feeder that my wonderful husband built for the girls.  This one is a little different than the last one since there is not a gate to open and put the hay in.  You simply put the hay where you want it and then, using the tractor, place the feeder over the top of the hay.  Also included is a roof to help keep the rain off some.


Zanna is a very nice looking girl who is a LaMancha cross.  Zanna was born in December of 2011 at Maple Springs Farm.  Zanna has proven to be a worth while investment for the entertainment that she provides us, if for no other reason.

Zanna LOVES her animal crackers and will dig in your pockets, non stop, until she finds what she is looking for.  :)

In our baby barn, we have a walk way down the middle with pens on each side (used for babies or birthing, which ever is needed at the time).  Our grand daughters (now 3 & 5) absolutely HATED walking down the isle when Zanna was in there because she would reach through the fence and pull their hair.  They still have fits whenever they hear her name and proceed to tell me how mean she is and that she pulls their hair.  Honestly, I can't say that I blame them because she has reached through and pulled my hair several times and it DOES hurt, BUT she is certainly not mean and she has a very special place in my heart.  :)

I'm not really sure how I was able to get a picture of her because she is always right in my pocket which makes it difficult to get pictures when you are by yourself.

Zanna should have babies within the next 45 days.  :)

Monday, January 7, 2013

Taboo & Her Girls

Meet Taboo!
Taboo was enjoying this nice sunny day.  As you can see she is already nearly as big as a house and her babies aren't due for about 2 more months.

Taboo came to join our farm in February 2011 immediately following that "arctic" chill we had and shortly before the terrible heat wave and drought that we experienced that summer.

I always give a special thanks to my friend Caren for allowing Taboo and a few other special girls to come to Oklahoma to live on our farm.  :)

 Below are Taboo's daughters from spring of 2012.  Both are very well put together little girls and Tryxie is slightly bigger than her sister, Tia.  Tryx is more of a pocket pet than her sister as well, but I have high hopes that both of these girls will milk just as well as their mom.  Hopefully the breeding plans that we have will be agreeable with both of these young ladies and we can start milking them late this summer.

Tia & Trycie are almost 10 months old.

