Tuesday, October 26, 2010


It's been a few days since I have posted.
I was off work (from my day job) most of last week. This afforded some daytime hours to be working on the milk barn and creamery. There wasn't that much visual progress, but I was sure busy all week. I did get a trench dug from the end of the new creamery to the South end of the milk barn for our drains (sure hope they are deep enough). It was hard work because every bit had to be dug by hand but Megan and Peyton helped so that made it better. Below are pictures of Peyton helping. :)

Kymberly cleaned out the milk parlor and milk room. With all of the construction going on this is an endless job. She also went around adding more screws to the interior and exterior walls of the milk barn.

Yesterday was a looong day to Oklahoma City. Very very tired by the time we got home but this morning........it proved to be well worth the trip. More on this to come later..... :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Creamery Construction

Below are a couple of pictures of the new creamery while in construction.
You can see where it will attach to the current milk barn.
This is a 16x32 structure.
Below are pictures of the drainage pipes in the creamery prior to the slab floor being poured.

More pictures to come as I get time to post.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Productive Day

This turned out to be a fairly productive day. I got the pump room cleaned out and threw out and burned a lot of stuff that was just taking up space. Once that was done I went to work on cleaning stuff out of the milk barn. Sounds fairly easy? Well, not only were all of the milking supplies and misc. stuff needed for the goats in there, but all of the tools and misc. supplies that we have been using for the construction projects were in there as well. I left most of the construction supplies and tools since we are not done with the projects yet, but most everything else has been moved out and stored in the pump room.

Put the little girls out on the front pasture today since I was home and could keep an eye on them. Also put Tecumseh out in the little girls pasture while they were out front. He didn't seem as impressed as I thought he would be, but we did get to spend some one on one time today and that is always a good thing. :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

More Barn Remodel

These are pictures of the "old" barn and milk parlor prior to construction.
This view is from the north end with housing on either side and the milk parlor and milk room in the middle.
The new housing barn is on the south end (you can see a "hint" of the roof sticking out above the old barn).
The new processing facility will be on the north end of the milk barn and will be a 16x32 structure.
The "old" barn will continue to be the milk parlor and milk room in the middle with a feed room and holding area on the east side and a storage room and mechanical area along with the exit area on the west side.
We will post more pictures and information as everything pulls together.