Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Cool Day

WOW! We are having a wonderfully cool day. :)

After so many weeks of 100 degree weather it is 86 degrees right now at 2:00 this afternoon and it is suppose to be even cooler tomorrow. This is such a welcome relief to us and I can only imagine how nice it is for the critters. Now if we could just add a little bit of rain, the ground, plants and trees could sure use it.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Housing Barn

The first image is a view of the barn just prior to starting the new addition. You are looking at if from the South end. At this point, housing for the goats is on each side and the milk parlor is in the middle. The new housing barn is attached to the South end of the existing structure and will be a 24 x 50 x 10. We hope to have the trusses set this week so that we can start putting the metal on next weekend......if the weather cools enough.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


These are just some random pictures of some of our babies from this year.

Here they are all following Megan with the feed bucket. It was getting dark so it is hard to see, but they are so cute!

This picture was taken just prior to the previous one. They are exploring the freshly tilled garden.

The two pictures below are just the babies exploring and eating fresh grass and weeds along the driveway.

The spotted one in the last picture is Pynk Baby Goat (named by our 2 year old granddaughter). We affectionately call he Pynkie. I bet no one else in the world has a "pink" goat. LOL :)

Baby Goats

......I guess I am a sucker! I went to look at some goats the other evening. The pictures posted on the internet looked alright so I thought I would take a gander at them.

We got there and it was so sad. Both of the mature does literally looked like a bag of bones. They were lethargic and had the runs. The buck didn't look much better and he had a bad foot on top of all of that. There were three little doelings with the youngest being about a month old and the other two being about 2 months old. These poor babies are not much bigger than my newborns. Their hair coats are rough and their bellies are huge. They look like little starving orphans from a third world country. :(

Well.......I guess Chrys couldn't stand it either (he really is a softy :) ). We just didn't have a place to keep the older three separated from the herd and honestly, at least one of the does may not have made it through the night. We did go ahead and bring the three little doelings home with us. They have their own little deluxe accommodations in the barn with an outside pen and a fan plugged in to give them a breeze inside.

We started the de-worming ritual on them when we brought them home. They have received their shots and now have all of the hay, weeds and grain that they want to eat. I am giving them a bottle twice a day, but I guess they as so used to not getting enough that they don't drink much. My normal babies would be drinking a gallon per day "each" and these little girls are not quite drinking a gallon between the three of them.

Oh! They have names now too! :)
The smallest one is Jersey
The biggest one is Penny
and the middle one is Aurora

I don't have pictures yet but I guess I need to post some on here so that when these girls are big and beautiful that we can all see the difference.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Goats and Projects

We went to Little Rock, Arkansas on Saturday evening and picked up 5 really pretty Nubian does. The old girl is name Rusti and the middle aged girl is named Mozli (these were the names that they came with). I have figured out names for the twins (4-5 months old). They are Mocha Swirl and Frappe'. I still have yet to decide on a name for the yearling.

Mozli has some problems with her front hooves. It appears that she has been foundered. :( Chrys and I got her down her on the milk stank, laid her down, I laid on top of her while Chrys worked on her feet........and was actually able to take about 3/8-1/2 inch off of her front hooves before it started getting tender. There is still along ways to go, but at least we are headed in the right direction.

The construction on the new housing barn is going slow. Chrys, Megan, my Dad and me are "The Construction Crew" and the weather is SO hot right now. We are only able to work on the weekends and then only in the early morning and late evening. Then if we take time out to run to Little Rock and get goats or Wichita, Kansas like we are going next weekend then it takes a little bit longer for things to get going. We do have most of the poles up and set. We have six more poles to set....hopefully this evening.

I will post pictures of the new girls and the barn soon.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


There is not a lot to write about right now except it is HOT!!!!! Much much to hot!

With plenty of shade and lots of fresh cool water, all of the critters are fairing pretty well.

A week from Saturday (8/14/10) we will be going to Leon, Kansas to pick up some new girls to add to our milk line. I am really really excited about that, I just hope that the weather has cooled off some before then. If not, it may have to be a middle of the night ride back home so that they don't get to hot.